You’ve seen What We Do and now it’s time to show you how we do it!
Whether you’re buying a home to live in or investing to rent out, work for a salary or work for yourself, moving or improving, you’ll definitely fit one of our 5 journeys below - take a look and get in touch!
New Build
1. Qualify
“Your developer wants to see your Approval in Principle (AIP) before you reserve, so let's get to work! We’ll recommend the best lender, show them you can afford the payments, and work with your credit score to obtain your AIP certificate so you can reserve.”
2. Advice
“The mortgage needs to fit your life, and that’s our specialty! This stage is where we’ll consider your plans and priorities, and tailor the product features to best match your budget. We take as much time as you need to help you understand the deal and the process - no need to worry!”
3. Apply
“The lender wants proof that the numbers we’ve given are correct - sounds scary! In reality it’s straightforward and our mission is to make this stage as easy as possible. We aim for a paperless service with a secure personal portal, and your adviser is available on WhatsApp, text, email, phone or even meet us for a coffee!”
“Once the lender is happy with your documents they will value the property, and then issue your offer; congratulations! This goes to your solicitor, and we’re almost done…We'll do the chasing and keep you updated as we work to meet your deadlines!”
5. Keys
“That home you reserved… it’s now yours!! We told you it wasn’t that hard! We’ll continue to look after you behind the scenes but for now just sit back and enjoy, and we’d love for you to let others know how great we made the journey!”
First Time Buyer
1. Qualify
“You want to shop with confidence, so let’s check how much you can afford, and that lenders will accept you. We only need some basic info and then we can get to work on a personalised quote which will show the house prices you can achieve, and what your payments will be.”
2. Shop
“Now the work begins! Terrace or semi, walk-in wardrobe or hot tub?! The main thing is you know your budget, so after you have a property shortlist and have started doing viewings, we’ll help you take the next step towards your dream home...”
3. Advice
“When you’re ready to make an offer, you need to be first in line! We’ll make that happen - with an Approval in Principle (AIP) certificate from the right lender, your seller knows you mean business and can move fast. We’ll also recommend the right deal for your needs, and make sure you know exactly what everything means.”
4. Apply
“You’ve agreed a price, aaahh! We’ll open a secure portal for you to upload any documents the lender has asked for, and will do all the necessary work to get you your mortgage offer. We’ll keep you informed so you can concentrate on the packing!”
“Once the lender is happy with your documents they will value the property, and then issue your offer; congratulations! This goes to your solicitor, and we’re almost done…We'll do the chasing and keep you updated as we work to meet your deadlines”
6. Move In
“Remember when this all seemed like a dream… here we are! Enjoy that hot tub, good choice! Keep in touch and we’ll speak again when your deal is up for review, but in the meantime we’d love to help out any friends and family who could use a great service.”
Moving Home
1. Qualify
“You want to shop with confidence, so let’s check how much you can afford, and that lenders will accept you. We only need some basic info and then we can get to work on a personalised quote which will show the house prices you can achieve, and what your payments will be.”
2. Shop
“Let’s find the place of your dreams...just make sure you stick to your budget! Maybe this will be your forever home, so take all the time you need and when you have a property shortlist and have started viewing, you’re ready to take the next step…”
3. Advice
“When you’re ready to make an offer, you need to be first in line! We’ll make that happen - with an Approval in Principle (AIP) certificate from the right lender, your seller knows you mean business and can move fast. We’ll also recommend the right deal for your needs, explain everything clearly and build your future plans into the features too.”
4. Apply
“You’ve agreed a purchase price, aaahh! We’ll open a secure portal for you to upload any documents the lender has asked for, and will do all the necessary work to get you your mortgage offer. We’ll keep you informed and chase relentlessly so there are no delays - we know how important this is.”
“Once the lender is happy with your documents they will value the property, and then issue your offer; congratulations! This goes to your solicitor, and we’re almost done…We'll do the chasing and keep you updated as we work to meet your deadlines”
6. Chill
“You’ve got the keys and everything is perfect; now go and make that new home yours! We’d love to help anyone else you know who might need us, and we’ll be back in touch to review your deal when the time comes. In the meantime, enjoy!”
1. Advice
“Let’s find the best lender which will support your aims! We’ll chat about your priorities and plans so that we can recommend a package that fits perfectly, and if you’re out of the mortgage loop we’ll make sure you fully understand. We’ll show how much the payments will be, and work with your credit score to get things moving.”
2. Apply
“You might be familiar with this part, but things change quickly in the mortgage world - as your broker we’re always up to date so we can keep the journey seamless and quick! We aim for a paperless service, and provide you a secure personal portal where you can upload your files anytime.”
“Once the lender is happy with your documents they will value the property, and then issue your offer; congratulations! This goes to your solicitor - often provided by the lender for free in this instance - and we’re almost done…We'll do the chasing and keep you updated.”
4. Relax
“This was a job that needed to be done, and here we are at last - breathe! We’ll be back in touch when the deal is ready to be reviewed, but would love to hear from you if you need anything in the meantime - you might have friends or family we can help, too!”
Product Switch
1. We Recommend
“Hassle free, no picking and choosing, no jargon. We’ll explain based on your plans and preferences which of your current lender’s products fits best and provide you all the details you need. Easy!”
2. Documents
“More good news - this type of change is very light on paperwork. We’ll tell you if we need anything, and will open a dedicated, secure portal for you to upload documents anytime.”
3. Done!
“You knew it needed sorted, and now it is - great job! We’ll also keep an eye out for upcoming deals when the cycle comes round again. Keep in touch in the meantime - miss you already!”
